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The Bear Whisperer

In Canada, there are approximately 25,000 grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) occupying the northern territories. Canadian or Alaskan grizzlies are larger than those who live in the American Rocky Mountains. With the fat provided by a rich salmon diet, some grizzlies in Alaska weigh in at 540 kg! Grizzlies eat not only plants but also animals as large as moose, caribou, or bison. The bite of a grizzly could crush a bowling ball. Since tragic human-bear encounters often occur, they are best to be admired and respected at a healthy distance.

That is what makes Timothy Dexter’s story so intriguing. Known more commonly as Timothy Treadwell, this young film maker actually lived with grizzlies at the Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska for 13 summers placing himself at tremendous personal risk. He referred to the bears as ‘big party animals’. He would let them lick his hand and he would kiss their noses. He actually began to believe that he could control them. How foolish to come so close to a wild animal capable of tearing him to pieces! In October of 2003, he and his girlfriend tempted fate once too often by encamping in an area of thick brush on the top of a known bear trail. It never ended well. Both Timothy and his friend were savagely killed by a grizzly.

This story is illustrative of a very important Bible truth. Sin is something too big for us to handle. We have sinful natures that can never be tamed. How often we play around with sinful pleasures, believing that we are in control. We become buddy-buddy with booze and drugs, thinking them to be just ‘party animals’ that will help us get by in life. We snuggle up close to sin, not understanding that it has the power to eventually destroy us and others close to us. Jesus said, “Whoever commits sin is the slave of sin” (John 8:34). Slaves are not in control.

But Jesus came so that we can have life – a new life – and enjoy life abundantly as He wants us to. Do you have this life? Are you still playing around with sin? It will destroy you. When we were powerless to help ourselves, Christ died for our sins. The Bible says, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6.)

We have no more ability to tame sin in our lives than Timothy Treadwell could tame the wild grizzlies. We are sinners who have become entrapped by our sins and we can’t do anything to free ourselves. Sin will eventually destroy us.

Only Christ can defeat sin. He did this on the cross of Calvary. Trust Him as your Saviour today and be set free from the power of sin in your life and the eternal consequences it brings.

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